Category: The Armory
Bethlehem Armory also known as Floyd Simons Armory, is a historic National Guard armory located at Bethlehem, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. It was built in 1930, and is an “I”-plan brick building in three sections. It consists of a two-story administration building, drill hall, and kitchen / locker room executed in the Art Deco style. It measures 82 by 102 feet (25 by 31 m), and has a hipped roof. Additions were built in 1938 and 1968.[2]
It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991.[1]
Density and Look of New Construction
Discussion topic: Residential use is proposed for the redevelopment of the property.
How many and what kinds of units should be promoted?
What residential syle(s) should these units be: Art Deco, farmhouse, Victorian, other?